Sabang Inn Apartments, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

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Sabang Inn Apartments

Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

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Mob:  0917 572 6123
Booking and Reviews:

Sabang Inn Apartments

Sabang Inn Apartments are an addition to the Sabang Inn Beach Resort although they are located about 100 metres away. They are as well situated facing the seaside and due to its uphill location they offer a spectacular sea view.

Sabang Inn have a variety of small fully furnished studio-type apartments or big fully furnished apartments to offer for long term guests

Each apartment is equipped with a double bed, a large TV that offers more than 60 cable channel in several language (CNN and BBC news as well as HBO, Cinemax and Star TV movies, DW-TV and many more).

There is a small kitchen in each apartment as well as cooking facilities and equipment.
Air-condition or electric fan for your personal comfort.

Most of our apartments have a balcony or veranda and all apartments have a sea view.
All our apartments have a safety box for your personal belongings.
A huge benefit here in Sabang Apartments, is the 24Hrs Generator.


2013 Rates

Small with no view and no porch
Rates: (No Aircon possibility)
October – May          = 8,500 Pesos per month
June – September       = 6,800 Pesos per month
Discount available on longer stay.
Has veranda and sea view
Rates: (No Aircon possiblity)
October – May          = 12,000 Pesos per month
June – September       =   9,600 Pesos per month
Discount available on longer stay..

Has own private balcony, sea view

Rates: (Aircon separate)
October – May          = 14,000 Pesos per month
June – September       = 11,200 Pesos per month
Discount available on longer stay.
SWIMMING POOL APARTMENT: Beside the swimming pool, big balcony, partial sea view

Rates (Aircon Separate):
October – May          = 14,000 Pesos per month
June – September       = 11,200 Pesos per month
Discount available on longer stay.

WHITE ROOM APARTMENT: Old Fashion with style, Panorama view, no balcony

Rates (Aircon Separate):
October – May          = 14,000 Pesos per month
June – September       = 11,200 Pesos per month
Discount available on longer stay.

NEW APARTMENT: Brand new with style, own private balcony and sea view

Rates: (Renter pay own electric)
Season                            Studio apartment                            1BR apartment
October – May               = 16,000 Pesos per month              18,000 Pesos per month
June – September       = 12,800 Pesos per month               14,400 Pesos per month
Discount available on longer stay.



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