Add or Update your details to
If you wish to add your business to this website we have a few options:
Basic Page US$10
US10.00 and a page will be created, or updated for you, giving your business name, address, and contact numbers, email and website, together with a brief description of your business. This is a one off payment. Any changes or updates will be charged at the same US$10 rate.
Payment must be made via Paypal, using either your Credit Card OR a Paypal account:
Once payment is made, you will be directed to a page that asks you for your page content details.
Order Now:
New Page for $10 | |
Update Page for $10 |
Once payment is made, you will be directed to a page that asks you for your page content details. If you have any problems please contact us
Details needed for the US$10 special
New Page: Provide your TEXT based page content, as you wish it to appear.
Updating Page: Provide the URL of the existing page and the details of your revised TEXT based page content.
Right Side Column 125×125 box
This option allows you a 125 x 125 box in the Sponsors section on the right, and this can lead visitors direct to your own page.
Order Now:
125×125 Advert for 3 months for $10 | |
125×125 Advert for 6 months for $18 | |
125×125 Advert for 12 months for $30 |
Once payment is made, you will be directed to a page that asks you for your page content details. If you have any problems please contact us
Details needed for the advertising option that includes the 125×125 image
The link URL that you require adverts linking to. (eg: YOUR website)
The link to a 125×125 pixel image, that will appear in the Sponsor section.
After payment is Made
Once payment is made, you will be directed to a page that asks you for your page content details. If you have any problems please contact us