Fruit Picking Jobs in Australia need a Working Visa.
A website called topjobsportal is currently advertising fruit picking jobs for Filipinos in Australia.
Some people have asked if it is a scam, many Filipinos in the Philippines are wanting to apply for this work.
BUT… it is not that straightforward, You NEED an Australian Working Visa first.
If you already have a working Visa, then yes, that type of work is available.
This type of fruit picking work is commonly available, and applied for by for by visitors to Australia on a Working Holiday visa.
The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has previously cautioned overseas Filipino workers (OFW) and Filipino tourists against a new online scam offering bogus fruit-picking jobs in Australia.
Although this relates to a different company, and was in May 2014, the similarities may be close.
Australian Immigration – Working Holiday Visas
Filipinos are NOT normally eligible for the Australian Working Holiday Visa
Working Holiday visa (subclass 417)
The Working Holiday visa (subclass 417) is a temporary visa for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.
This Visa allows you to:
stay in Australia for up to 12 months
work in Australia for up to six months with each employer
Eligibility Includes:
are at least 18 but not yet 31 years of age
have a passport from an eligible country. (This does NOT include the Philippines)
Eligible countries (at 21 June 2022) are:
Republic of Cyprus
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (including British National Overseas passport holders)
Republic of Ireland
Republic of Korea
Taiwan (other than an official or diplomatic passport)
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The Work and Holiday (Temporary) visa (subclass 462)
The Work and Holiday (Temporary) visa (subclass 462) is for young people who want to holiday and work in Australia for up to a year.
Eligibility (at 21 June 2022) includes:
are at least 18 but not yet 31 years of age.
have a passport from:
China, People’s Republic of
Czech Republic
San Marino
Slovak Republic
United States of America
Hi my name is Edwin groyon bermundo from Philippines, I am interested to apply as farm fruit picker, how to apply?
Hi my name is Edwin groyon bermundo from Philippines, I am looking for a job as fruit picker, I am passport holder, you can contact me at
hopefully the philippines will be included in the list next time.
How can I apply?
I need work for fruit picking in australia ur still hiring
Hello..can u Still hiring???can we talk?I’m interested to work there.
Are you still hiring ?
Still available?
Are you still hiring?
Is this still available.
Mag aapply po ako.
what job available.
can i know and what are the immediate job.
As stated in this post about these jobs being advertised; there are no real jobs unless a person has a work visa for Australia, and you cannot apply for a work visa for that type of work.
At best the original adverts are misleading…
Good Day,
how to apply? i want to work in australia as a fruit picker .
As stated in this post about these jobs being advertised; there are no real jobs unless a person has a work visa for Australia, and you cannot apply for a work visa for that type of work.
At best the original adverts are misleading…
I am Bangladeshi. I don’t understand how to apply for visa online. I already sign up immiaccount. Please help me. I want fruit picker visa. How much cost of visa? How Much I can earn in that period of fruit picking.
Please re-read the original post thoroughly.
The post was about a scam for jobs that are not available to Filipinos.
There is no fruit picker visa.
If you can get another visa that allows work, then you could do that work, but the wages are generally not very high.
Filipinos can NOT do this job.
The Philippines is not on the ‘working holiday visa’ list.
and…. even if you have a 457 working visa to Australia, you still can NOT do this job.
A 457 working visa can only be granted to certain types of positions. (Fruit picking is not one)
and once on a 457 visa you can not have a sideline like getting a job fruit picking.
sorry to update you all.
If you want to work in Australia, choose jobs and/or agencies you see on the website.
That’s totally correct. Unfortunately many people only read a part of an article and miss that important bit.
how to apply
Is there any option to earned a visa aside from working holiday visa?
Getting a Working Holiday Visa is impossible for most Filipinos
Getting any Working Visa is very hard for most Filipinos and can take a long time.
Some do get the 457 Visa used by Australian employers to sponsor skilled overseas workers to work in Australia temporarily, when they are unable to find local workers who can do the job.
@anna: What nationality are you ?
As stated above: The Philippines is NOT on that list of eligible countries to be able to apply for a working holiday visa, and therefore normally unable to apply.
How much is working visa and how long releas
how much is the working visa and how long it releas
@felixson ramos: What nationality are you ?
As stated above: The Philippines is NOT on that list of eligible countries to be able to apply for a working holiday visa, and therefore normally unable to apply.
the meaning of
” should have a passport from an eligible country ”
is: You must have a passport from the list of eligible countries to be able to apply for a working holiday visa.
The Philippines is NOT on that list, and therefore normally unable to apply.
That is why I have highlighted this:
“The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has previously cautioned overseas Filipino workers (OFW) and Filipino tourists against a new online scam offering bogus fruit-picking jobs in Australia.”
Unless very very lucky, an application for those jobs is virtually impossible to succeed, no matter how much you pay out.
how to apply for Work Visa for Australia? and whats the meaning of
” should have a passport from an eligible country ” ? im interested.
An Australian government website on Fruit Picking in Australia is at:
@analaine. Do you have a work Visa for Australia ? That is the ONLY way for ANY work in Australia.
How can apply? im 25 years old
Thank u
Good day!
Based on eligibilty requirement i am not qualified anymore on the said job because i am 37 years old already.
May i know if there were still other works that i may apply for which is suitable at my age. I am a college graduate and presentle working here at hongkong as domestic helper.
Please feel free if you want to know me more and send your response on my email
best regards,
Alelie baja
That website also quotes this:
“Here are some of the fruit picking job opportunities in Brisbane, Australia:
FRUIT PICKER (grapes, strawberries, apples and pears) – The job location is in Victoria region at Moroopna. Skilled workers and those who don’t have experience in fruit picking will undergo four to five days worth of training.”
For those that do not know, including the creator of that Jobs in Brisbane advert; Brisbane is in Queensland, Australia, while Moroopna is in Victoria, Australia, about 1,500 kms away from each other.
The TopJobsPortal website was only recently registered, on March 28, 2015, by a Filipino from Quezon City according to
From philippines