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Icarus Bar
Teodoro St
Angeles City
A large bar with two groups of dancers, one with full choreography.
Opening Hours
6:00 pm to 3:00 am
Drinks Prices
June 2014:
85php San Mig Light
150php Ladies Drink – Single.
300php Ladies Drink – Double (San Mig Light etc)
Other Prices:
Early Work Release: 2,300 pesos (June 2014)
1 : 496 : 3,551,173
the owner of the bar is a piece of trash with no respect for women at all and is breaking loads of human rights laws which is now going to be made public. what gives the owner the right to stop the girls having and using their mobile phones for emergencies? how on earth is any family member going to contact any of the girls working in bar if their mother or father or child becomes seriously ill and gets rushed into hospital and about to die? what gives the owner the right to steal well over half the money every girl earns and then force the girls into paying for uniforms provided from the owner on top. shame i not met the piece of trash in person yet so i can knock him to the ground and teach him respect for women
Interesting comments that could be applied to any bar in the Philippines.
However, maybe your Comments are NOT quite accurate.
Lets analyse your comment piece by piece:
what gives the owner the right to stop the girls having and using their mobile phone?
Most employers have the right to NOT allow workers to use mobile phones while on duty.
Using your cell phone on the job is a privilege, not a right
That is NOT a breach of Human Rights.
how on earth is any family member going to contact any of the girls working in bar if their mother or father or child becomes seriously ill and gets rushed into hospital and about to die?
The same way that any other family in the world does, contact the employer direct.
what gives the owner the right to steal well over half the money every girl earns
The owner has NO RIGHT to that, but… In this case the Owner is NOT doing that.
The Girl is actually being given HALF of what she earns for the bar in Commission.
For every drink that the customer buys from the bar, she receives a commission, often about half.
If the customer wishes to take the girl out of her job early, then the Bar charges an EWR (Early work release) charge, and the girl will get her commission from that, again often near half.
what gives the owner the right to force the girls into paying for uniforms provided from the owner
This is very common worldwide
I suggest anyone should talk to these girls, they are often sitting or standing outside the bars chatting to friends or potential customers, and seem very happy. They will be happier to get you inside spending money, so that they can earn their commission from the bar.
shame i not met the piece of trash in person yet so i can knock him to the ground and teach him respect for women
It is normally a mamasam that arranges the girls GRO’s, and pays them. So it would be a woman that you actually want to hit.
The Bar Mamasan is the women that approves and makes barfine arrangement for “take-out” to take the girl of your choice out for the remainder of her shift.
Most Bars will employ a mamasam, and allow her to do everything, negotiate prices and the commission to the girl.