Opportunities for Filipino nurses in Australia

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Deakin University of Melbourne Nursing Course

Qualified Filipino nurses can now fast-track their career through a special program being offered by one of the top universities in Australia.

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Deakin University of Melbourne has tied up with International Education Specialists (Inter-Ed), the oldest and premiere student placement provider in the Philippines, in making available the course that recognizes previous studies and provides credit transfers and recognition (CTR) to a student towards a Bachelor of Nursing degree by completing six subjects in two trimesters.

Completion of the program makes the student eligible to register as a nurse and to begin practicing in Australia.

The University’s Faculty of Health is also offering a non-award, 10-week Initial Registration course for overseas nurses, specifically designed to meet the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency’s (AHPRA) registration requirements for nurses from overseas seeking to obtain initial registration.
The course, which costs approximately 12,500 Australian Dollars, will start in November 2014.

Read more at: www.mb.com.ph/opportunities-for-filipino-nurses-in-australia

Philippines-Australia bridging programs for Pinoy nurses starts

Labor and Employment Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz yesterday announced the start of this month of a bridging program for Filipino registered nurses and nursing educators between the Philippines and Australia.
“I am pleased to announce that the bridging program that will enable Filipino registered or licensed nurses to practice and register in Australia has started,” Baldoz said.
“There will be 100 registered nurses and 30 nure educators who will initially join the bridging program,” she added.
The Bridging Program is a partnership between Monash University and the DOLE’s Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in collaboration with the Commission on Higher Education and selected Philippine universities belonging to the top 20 higher education institutions (HEIs) based on their performance in the Philippine nursing licensure examination.

Read more at: www.dole.gov.ph/news/view/2174

Australia snares Filipino nursing high flyers

It’s a dream come true for Filipino nurses Edgar Amago Junior and his wife, Harriet, to live and work overseas. Originally they wanted to move to the United States to pursue their blossoming careers, but faster processing times and the chance to resettle sooner led them instead to Australia.

The talented young couple made their mark at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute in Manila, where both worked for four years after graduating with high marks. Edgar played a key role at the Institute in staff training and development, while Harriet gained recognition for her work in nursing research and quality improvement.

Read more at: www.immi.gov.au/stories/pages/edgar-harriet.aspx

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