Samsung Mobile Phone Prices Sept 2014

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Samsung Mobile Phone Prices Sept 2014

This gives a guide to the best Cash Prices for Samsung mobile Phones in August/September 2014

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See CURRENT prices of the Samsung Mobile Phone Range


Price PHP Model
699 Samsung Keystone2 E1200Y
1,300 Samsung E2202 metro
1,490 Samsung E1272
2,990 Samsung S5282 Galaxy Star
3,990 Samsung s7262 Galaxy Star Plus Dual
4,490 Samsung s7392 Galaxy Trend Lite
4,990 Samsung G313 Galaxy V
6,500 Samsung T110 Galaxy Tab 3 Lite 7.0 Wifi
6,990 Samsung V700 Galaxy Gear
7,800 Samsung SM-T210 GALAXY Tab3 7.0
8,700 Samsung G355 Galaxy Core 2
8,700 Samsung R381 Galaxy Gear 2 Neo
8,700 Samsung R350 Galaxy Gear Fit
11,450 Samsung I8552 Galaxy Win
11,500 Samsung T231 Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 3G
11,500 Samsung I9060 Galaxy Grand Neo
13,250 Samsung R380 Galaxy Gear 2
13,750 Samsung SM-G7102 Galaxy Grand 2 QuadCore
13,990 Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8inch T311 3G Brown
14,990 Samsung I9152 Galaxy Mega 5.8
15,990 Samsung T320 Galaxy Tab Pro8.4
19,500 Samsung I9505 Galaxy S4 LTE
20,700 Samsung T531 Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 3G
22,000 Samsung N7502 Galaxy Note 3 Neo Duos
22,990 Samsung c115 Galaxy K Zoom
23,490 Samsung T705 Galaxy Tab S 8.4 LTE
27,500 Samsung N9005 Galaxy Note 3 LTE
27,990 Samsung T805 Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE
29,700 Samsung SM-G900 Galaxy S5 LTE Black or White
30,100 Samsung SM-G900 Galaxy S5 LTE Blue or Gold
30,990 Samsung P900 Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 WiFi

The following are the older discontinued Samsung Models

Samsung Ace Duos
Samsung C3262 Champ Neo Duos
Samsung C3300K Champ
Samsung E2202 Metro
Samsung Galaxy Core LTE
Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9
Samsung Galaxy_player_4.2
Samsung GC100 Galaxy Camera
Samsung I8160 Galaxy Ace2
Samsung I8190 Galaxy S3 mini
Samsung i8262 Galaxy Core
Samsung I8530 Galaxy Beam
Samsung I9082 Galaxy Grand
Samsung I9205 Galaxy mega_6.3
Samsung I9295 Galaxy S4 Active
Samsung I9300 Galaxy S3
Samsung N7000 Galaxy Note
Samsung N7100 Galaxy Note2
Samsung N8000 Note 10.1
Samsung Note 8.0 N5100
Samsung P3100 Tab2 7.0
Samsung P3110 Galaxy Tab2 7.0
Samsung P5100 Galaxy Tab2 10.1
Samsung P5210Galaxy Tab3 10.1
Samsung P600 Galaxy Note 10.1
Samsung P6800 Galaxy Tab_7.7
Samsung S3570 Ch@t 357
Samsung S5300 Galaxy Pocket
Samsung S5312 Galaxy Pocket Duos
Samsung S5360 Galaxy Y
Samsung S6102 Galaxy Y Duos
Samsung S6310 Galaxy Young
Samsung S6500 Galaxy Mini2
Samsung S6810 Galaxy Fame
Samsung S7562 Galaxy S Duos
Samsung S7582 Galaxy S Duos 2
Samsung SM-C101 Galaxy S4 Zoom
Samsung T211 Galaxy Tab3 7.0 3g
Samsung T311 Galaxy Tab3 8inch 3G

2 : 327 : 3,553,366

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