Subli Guest Cabins, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

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Subli Guest Cabins

55 Socrates Road
Puerto Princesa City
Palawan 5300

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Mob: 0908 892 6514
Reviews and Bookings: Subli Guest Cabins
More Hotels in: Puerto Princesa City

Subli Guest Cabins, Puerto Princesa

Subli Guest Cabins in Puerto Princesa City, offers air conditioned bamboo cabins in a peaceful, camp-like setting. Each cabin has complimentary wireless Internet access and cable TV.
Airport shuttle is available.

Distance to Robinsons Place (Shopping Mall), Puerto Princesa is 2.8 km / 1.7 mi
Distance to Puerto Princesa Airport is 2.3 km / 1.4 mi
Distance to Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is 49.7 km / 30.9 mi

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