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Banco De Oro (BDO)
It has been said that there is a Banco De Oro (BDO) ATM in White Beach, Puerto Galera.
However, the BDO website does NOT agree with that, and says the only Branch, and ATM, on Oriental Mindoro is in Calapan, about one hour away, on a long winding road. (travel sickness tablets advised for those who need them.)
National Website:
Mindoro – Calapan
J. P. Rizal St., Calapan, Oriental Mindoro. 5200
Telephone: (043) 288-4104
Mindoro – Calapan
J. P. Rizal St., Calapan, Oriental Mindoro. 5200
1 : 684 : 3,553,367
Bdo in calapan