Can I travel to the Philippines on a one-way ticket?

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Entering the Philippines with a One Way Ticket

Most airlines won’t let a Non Resident of the destination country on the plane, unless you can show proof of your onward travel plans.

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This means that a foreigner CANNOT entering the Philippines with a One Way Ticket. You need a ticket OUT of the country aswell.

However, this does NOT mean that you need a RETURN ticket…  A ticket anywhere out of the destination country will suffice.

On my last trip from Sydney to Manila, I bought a cheap flight from Manila to Japan, and wasted that one instead, But it was a lot cheaper than wasting a Manila to Sydney Return flight 😉  I think it cost about $25.
Other local destinations are good. I just looked looked for the cheapest promo on Cebu Pacific at the time.
The airline at Sydney accepted that as the requirement that they have, to cover our onward travel plans.

Why do the airlines insist on needing a return ticket ?

IF the destination country refuses you entry for ANY reason, they may be liable for transporting you out of the country again. Having an onward ticket should get them out of that liability.

We seem to have TWO choices if we are travelling, but are unsure of return dates:

Buy a cheap ticket and maybe waste it, or pay $100’s in date changes.

Buy an Expensive ticket, and get free date changes, or evena full refund.

How am I so sure of this?

I did try to fly without a return once, but the airport at Darwin made me buy a return ticket or they would not let me fly.  That ended up as a waste of about $250, as I never used the ticket, and getting it refunded was not possible
However, I have NEVER been asked to show my return ticket at Philippines Immigration.

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