Filipino Senior Citizens Benefits and Privileges

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Discounts and Benefits for Senior Citizens in the Philippines

Senior citizens are granted several benefits and privileges under Republic Act No. 9994 and Republic Act No. 10645. In order to avail of these benefits, the senior citizen or his/her authorized representative shall present a valid and original Senior Citizens’ Identification Card.

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A Senior Citizens’ Identification Card is issued by the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA) in the city or municipality where the senior citizen resides. The basic qualifications for this card (based on RA 9994) are:

Must be a Filipino citizen who is a resident of the Philippines.
Must be 60 years old or above.
May apply to senior citizens with dual citizenship provided that they prove their Filipino citizenship and have at least six months residency in the Philippines.

      • Note: Foreigners became entitled to a Senior Citizens card in 2018, subject to ID requirements. The senior citizen act for foreigners is a senate bill that was passed on 11th May 2018 Senate S.B. No. 2832

Statement from Philippines Official Gazette

As provided in our Constitution, the state is duty-bound to recognize the rights of senior citizens by providing support though various social systems. Thus, senior citizens are granted benefits and privileges that range from 20% discount and VAT exemption to mandatory membership in the government’s healthcare system, Philhealth.

Benefits Include:

Twenty Percent (20%) Discount and VAT Exemption

Medical-related privileges
Domestic transportation privileges
Hotels, restaurants, recreational centers, and places of leisure, and funeral services
Recreations centers
Admission fees privilege
Funeral and burial services

Other Privileges

Income tax exemption
Exemption from training fees
Free medical and dental services in government facilities
Free vaccinations for indigent senior citizens
Educational privileges
Benefits and privileges for retirees
Privileges on granting special discounts in special programs
Express lanes privileges


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i live in las pinas iam 79 years old allready apply for senior citezen card but regarding the department by city hall, the senior citezen card is only for philipinos.
iam dutch about 8 years in the philipines with yearly an ACR card member of philhealth


Do i get 20% discounts on hotel room rates even its on promotional rate?

Hi My grandmother is a senior citizen nd received her allowance at Pangasinan but since no one will guide her on province our plan is to transfer her here in Manila..Is it possible for her to become a residence and Asenior receiving a monthly allowance from OSCa here in manila.
please help

hello, i have a senior citizen grandmother, 83 y.o. and receiving a monthly pension of 1,300 from GSIS. I just want to inquire about the “indigent senior citizen”. Can she be included in the “indigent senior citizen” program? She has no permanent source of income. Is there a range of pension (either government or private) where you can consider a senior citizen an indigent one? Or just because you have government pension you can not qualify indigent senior citizen whether it a small or big amount. Thank you.

I am a foreigner resident in the Philippines for nearly 10 years with ACR card. I was denied a Sr. Discount Card locally on the basis of needing “dual citizenship”. I don’t believe that a foreigner can become a citizen of the Philippine AND the U.S. does not allow “dual citizenship” for its nationals. Reportedly, foreigners became eligible in 2018 but I cannot find the legal amendment that makes this so.

I visited Makati City Hall to get Senior Citizen Card on 13 August 2019. I am Japanese.
But I was denied.
“The senior citizen act for foreigners is a senate bill that was passed on 11 May, 2018. Senate S.B. No. 2832.”
They say the above is true, but not yet President Duterte signed. So not effective yet.
Does it take so long over one year to get President signature?
I know some other cities in Metro Manila issued already SCC
to Japanese.
Does somebody know the real situation?

That Senate Bill was introduced on May 18, 2011 not May 11, 2018. Also, it was only “read”, but never passed into law. Introducing a bill is not the same as passing it into law. And so printing out a copy of the bill will do no one any good!

I’m a new senior citizen. I was told that i am exempted from the number coding ban/rule. However, in an article about benefits i saw only selected cities like makati, manila and i think cebu that grant such benefit. Please enlighten me on this and if possible provide the law specifically provinding such exemption. Tnx

I’m a new senior citizen. I was told that i am exempted from the number coding ban/rule. However, in an article about benefits i saw only selected cities like makati, manila and i think cebu that grant such benefit. Please enlighten me on this and if possible provide the law specifically provinding such law. Tnx


29 JANUARY 2019

TODAY I was denied the privilege of a Senior Citizen in using the courtesy lane of DFA at Robinsons Starmills, San Fernando, Pampanga. I was directed by a security guard to see the information person named Allan who tried to explain to me: “ that COs may set a cut-off time or limit the number of applicants who could be accommodated in the courtesy lanes….” displaying on his monitor a link to visit to secure a list of requirements where this statement was mentioned..
So, DFA website was very misleading to say: ‘NO APPOINMENT IS NEEDED FOR: Senior Citizen . . . .” Their disclaimer should be placed upfront after mentioning “NO APPOINTMENT IS NEEDED, “ and not hidden in a suggested link of requirements.
Am very disappointed to have experienced this situation without a clear warning that the courtesy lane for Senior Citizens is really limited. Then, this becomes NOT a privilege but a nuisance for someone who is 70 years of age to trudge to a DFA office and be rejected just because of an unpredicated cut-off number of applicants. Then to mention: “Walk-in applications are NOT ALLOWED IN ALL DFA OFFICES, except for the following persons: a. Senior citizens…..”
I believe that the public should be warned and informed well on this matter as it defeats the purpose of granting a right but with conditions. This may suggest to improve and update the DFA website with clarity on the advantages it projects to the public.

Jose Claver N. Toledo II

I am a senior citizen. I want my car repaired and repainted. will I get the usual 20% discount on the services, and/or the VAT exemption?

I am a Senior citizen and I want to now what does this mean?
“20% discount and Vat exempt in purchases of goods and services through credit cards.” What are the “goods and services” that are being referred to? I tried to ask a cashier one time but she does not know and so I told her to ask the manager. Most of the time I use credit card in my purchases. Thank for considering my inquiry.

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