LBC Express, Puerto Galera

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LBC Express have two branches in Puerto Galera, (as at June 2013), and they are located in the main center Poblacion and in Sabang.

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LBC – Puerto Galera: Siete Pares Building, Hondura, Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro. Tel: 043 287-3176 Mobile: 0922 851 0264

LBC – Sabang, Puerto Galera: Sabang Street, Sabang, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro. Tel: 043 xxx-xxxx Mobile: 09xx xxx xxxx

National Customer Service Hotlines: (NCR) 8585-999 and (Provincial) 1-800-10-8585999

LBC Poblacion, Puerto Galera
LBC Poblacion, Puerto Galera. Yellow Building is the Public Market.

[mappress mapid=”15″]

Metro Manila: 8585-999
Provincial: 1-800-10-8585-999

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Why does it take so long to deliver. Once it get there. 1142437817 and another box just sitting there going on four days.

Are you open on Sundays? LBC Sabang


Hi…ask q lang if ngpprocess kau ng passport???

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