Ponderosa Golf Course, Puerto Galera

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The Ponderosa Golf Club in Puerto Galera has a really good view from this photo.

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Ponderosa Golf Club

Although only a 9 hole course, there is also a second tee position for each hole should players like to play a full 18 holes. It is quoted as being “Essentially a 9 hole par 3 course with attitude

This may be an interesting golf course, as it is strategically spread over a few hectares of steep mountain-side and in some places the fairways literally plunge from tee to green. Despite the fact that transportation is by your own two feet you could be forgiven for thinking that a round of golf here is more akin to a steep roller-coaster ride than the usual stroll around manicured fairways and greens.

It is also 2,000 feet above sea level.

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The clubhouse offers a selection of snacks, meals, cold drinks, alcoholic beverages and otherwise, with sunsets to die for.

Ponderosa is swept by cool sea breezes year-round and is also a popular destination for hikers, bird-watchers and mountain biking enthusiasts.

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