Puerto Galera Police Station

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There are TWO Police Stations in Puerto Galera Central

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Puerto Galera “Barangay” Police Station
Intersection of Calapan North Road and road leading to Public Market
Puerto Galera

Puerto Galera “Municipal” Police Station
Municipal Compound
Puerto Galera
Tel: 043 287 3043


The map below shows the locations

[mappress mapid=”27″]

3 : 885 : 3,553,103

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I’m just currious on this Saturday May 9th in Sabang there going to be the restrictions eased asap because I saw that there having a huge party I seen going on at a resort in town next to the beach at least like almost 100 people gathering together what I head that the mayor or whoever that it’s a 50th wedding anniversary party going on now at 2 pm today as I walked by and seen it there was no social distancing so why do us the people have to do this and we can’t have occasions or snorkle ECT go to restaurant or stores opening up ,so is this a good sighn to me that restrictions are going to be eased up here on mindoro Puerto Galera area and surondings areas and that I’d be able to soon rent a motorcycle and ride with my girlfriend around with on as we’re a couple is that going to be legal also soon so I just look at this as a good signal that all is finaly opening up .

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