2GO Travel: St Leo The Great ferry

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Manila to Cebu Ferry Service

The ‘St Leo the Great’ ferry runs the 2GO ferry service between Manila and Cebu.
The trip normally takes 22 hours, and runs at various different schedules.

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Cebu departures in June 2015 are scheduled as:

10:00 PM Wednesdays
01:30 PM Sundays

Manila departures in June 2015 are scheduled as:

07:30 PM Mondays
09:00 AM Fridays

Example of prices (in pesos) on this route are shown below:

MV St Leo the GreatJune 2015

1,431  CABIN FOR 4 (per person)

Prices may vary depending on the exact date.
for example, on another day:


2Go Schedules

St Leo the Great is the former SuperFerry 21

All staterooms are with private bathroom with bathtub, 2 twin beds, sitting area, and a front view of the ship

MV St Leo The Great 01 MV St Leo The Great 02 MV St Leo The Great 03 MV St Leo The Great 04 MV St Leo The Great 05 MV St Leo The Great 06 MV St Leo The Great 07 MV St Leo The Great 08 MV St Leo The Great 09 MV St Leo The Great 10 MV St Leo The Great 11 MV St Leo The Great 12 MV St Leo The Great 15 MV St Leo The Great 16 MV St Leo The Great 17 MV St Leo The Great 18

Actual Costs of a Trip on St Leo the Great in 2015

We booked a trip on the St Leo the Great Ferry after being told we could take 75kg of baggage each, included in the ticket cost.
We checked the price, and decided to take a suite room, as the price was cheaper than flying.

This was the quoted cost on the online booking system:
St Leo Actual Booking Quote

BUT… at the final payment stage, they requested an extra 794 pesos for the taxes for the second person. The original price quoted was for two people for the ticket, but only one person for the taxes… It was easier to pay than have the hassle of arguing their booking system.

These were the final two booking tickets (one for each passenger – with names etc removed):
St Leo Actual Cost 1 St Leo Actual Cost 2.
So, up from 4,672 to 5,465 pesos. Not too bad still.

We arrived at the Ferry terminal in plenty of time, and began to book in. Porters were needed to take our bags in board. We didn’t pay the porters themselves, but had to pay this fee to the booking/checking in desk, with the Excess Baggage Fee!. The fixed charge for this porter fee was 520 pesos. (From check-in desk to the room).
The first three bags were included in the ticket charge, but the next three (six between two people) we had to pay an extra charge for. Another 450 pesos for Excess Baggage!! We were told we could have 75 kg each, and actually only had 60 kg each, but still had to pay, as we had too many bags !! This was not mentioned when booking, and I did email the office to check first.

So, now it is up from 4,672 to 5,915 pesos. (excluding porter fee) Not too happy now.

On departing, the porter fee for six bags was 600 pesos, but this time arranged and paid direct to the porter.

Total cost was now 7,035 pesos, (including porter fees) compared to the original idea of 4,672 pesos. Maybe Flying was cheaper after all.

However, the suite room did have much better legroom than the plane 🙂

The Official Photos above were probably taken when the ship was last refurbished.  I will add some more recent ones soon.

4 : 4,039 : 3,553,374

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please contact me asap about your schedule i am passenger of this vessel supposed sept 1 , 2019 1am ang alis ng butuan nasipit pero wala daw barko sabi ng mga guard at wala po kayo info to us until now about the said trip
Confirmed 2GO Travel e-Ticket – 8011217355
ticket no.
sept 1 2019
1:00 am schedule nasipit butuan to manila sept 2 ,2019 12:00 pm
paki txt po ako 09958979389 about the vessel and trip update schedule email stariel678@gmail.com

Thank You! This article is very helpful.

magkano poh yong pamasahe sa 2go teket ganitong date december 26 2015 sana makapag rply agad ergent i

prices in the staterooms are not as quoted on the 2go website. After quoting for the room they then add on extra fees and taxes for any extra people.

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