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Importing your cat or Dog to the Philippines
To bring your pet into the Philippines you will need the following:
- An Application form that you can get from most Philippines Embassies or Consulates overseas.
- A valid health certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian in the country of origin, which indicates that the pet has been examined and is free from communicable diseases at least ten (10) days before the travel to the Philippines. If the country of origin is not free from rabies, a certification that there has been no rabies cases within a 20 kilometer radius of the pet’s home in the last six (6) months.
- A vaccination card showing the pet’s vaccination for rabies, canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptsopirosis, canine parvovirus, or feline panleucopenia and proof that the animal was treated for internal and external parasites.
Bureau of Animal Industry
National Veterinary Quarantine Service
Visayas Ave.,
Quezon City
Metro Manila
Tel. No. (63) 02 925 4343
Fax No. (63) 02 928 2429
1 : 202 : 3,551,195