Police Clearance or NBI Clearance in the Philippines

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How to get a Police Clearance or NBI Clearance in the Philippines

How to get a Local Police Clearance

You can get a police clearance certificate at the PNP Headquarters, usually at the Municipal’s Office in your town.

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You will need:

Barangay Clearance (original and photocopy)
Recent Cedula (Community or Residence Tax Certificate) (original and photocopy)
Application Fee: (This may be between P100 and P500)

You will need to fill in an application Form, which they will provide.
Police Clearance Philippines

How to get an NBI Clearance

Online NBI Clearance can be started at: http://clearance.nbi.gov.ph
NBI clearance can be done online.

Payment can be made via online banking with BDO, Metrobank or BPI.
Payment can also be made using deposits at a bank branch.

Once paid, you then input the receipt number into your online lodgement.
Then complete the online lodgement and get the reference number to show at the NBI clearance centre chosen.

Using the NBI clearance centre in Ermita took about 90 minutes from queuing behind about 50 people, to getting the final clearance certificate.

No photos were required to be done in advance, as these were taken by the NBI staff just before they scanned the fingerprints in.

NBI for Overseas Travel

Those that need an NBI for overseas travel need to ensure that they ask for the CORRECT one, and that the final certificate is marked as such.


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