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Websites for Property for Sale in Puerto Galera
Property Buying costs:
- Attony’s fee 1% of purchase price
- Capital Gain Tax 6% of purchase price
- Documentary Stamp 1.5% of purchase price
- Transferring of title Certificate 0.5% of purchase price
- Tax Declaration PHP 100-500
- Philippines Capital Gains Tax – 6% of actual sale price. This is paid by the seller but in some cases it might be expected that the buyer pays. This percentage could differ if the property assessed is being used by a business or is a title- owned by a corporation, in this case the percentage is 7.5%
- Philippines Documentary Stamp Tax – 1.5% of the actual sale price. This is paid by either the buyer or the seller upon agreement. Normally however, it is the buyer who shoulders the cost.
- Philippines Transfer Tax – 0.5% of the actual sale price
- Philippines Registration Fee – 0.25% of the actual sale price
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