Sabang Bikers, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

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Sabang Bikers

Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

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Tel: 0916 616 2310


From Sabang to White Beach, you can rent a motor bike or scooter for a day from about 500 pesos, with lower costs for a week or more.

I was quoted for a fully automatic Yamaha at 500 pesos per day, or 400 pesos per day if booked for 1 week (2,800 pesos).
This rate was from Noriel Garcia of Sabang Bikers who were delivering two bikes to the resort that I am staying in.

These ones:
SabangBikers2     SabangBikers1

The price included helmets.

Motorcycle Rentals in Puerto Galera:

  • Sabang Bikers: 0916 616 2310 (covering all the Puerto Galera area, from Sabang to White Beach)

I have heard of rates of 1,000 peso per day being quoted, and while looking around I did see one website quoting:

110ccc/125cc PHP 800 p/day or PHP 4,200 p/week
200cc Enduro PHP 1000 p/day or PHP 6,300 p/week

2 : 390 : 3,553,105

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