MegaLink Banking System in Philippines

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MegaLink, launched on March 19, 1990, was the first operational of a shared ATM network in the Philippines, and was formed by Equitable Bank, Far East Bank & Trust Co., Philippine National Bank and United Coconut Planters Bank.

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They began with the shared resources of 88 ATMs, a base of 130,000 cardholders, and average of 200 transactions a day.

By 2013, this has increased to 16 members with shared resources of around 3,000 ATMs, 17,000 POS terminals and 15.6 million cardholders and processing an average of more than 500,000 transactions a day.

MegaLink are interconnected with both BancNet and Expressnet, and MegaLink cardholders therefore have access to nearly 12,000 ATMs and more than 37,000 POS terminals nationwide.

List of Member banks from the above website in June 2013

  1. Banco de Oro – BDO has 760 operating branches and over 1,800 ATMs nationwide, and is (September 2012), the country’s largest bank in terms of total resources, capital, customer loans, total deposits and assets under management.
  2. Cooperative Rural Bank of Bulacan
  3. Country Rural Bank of Taguig
  5. GSIS Family Bank
  6. G-Xchange
  8. MaxbankHead Office is in Sabang, Puerto Galera.
  10. One Network Bank
  11. Pacific Ace Savings Bank
  12. Plantersbank
  13. Queenbank
  14. Unionbank
  15. United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB)
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