PSBank Savings Account Types

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The main PSBank savings accounts in the Philippines

The three main regular type of savings accounts with PSBank are:

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PSBank ATM Savings
PSBank Regular Passbook Savings
PSBank Passbook with ATM

The PSBank ATM Savings requires a minimum maintaining balance of PhP2,000, otherwise a monthly fee of PhP300 will be charged.

The PSBank Regular Passbook Savings requires a minimum maintaining balance of PhP5,000, otherwise a monthly fee of PhP300 will be charged. To earn interest you need a minimum Daily Balance of PhP5,000.

The PSBank Passbook with ATM requires a minimum maintaining balance of PhP5,000, otherwise a monthly fee of PhP300 will be charged. To earn interest you need a minimum Daily Balance of PhP5,000.

For children there are the PSBank Kiddie and PSBank Teen Savings Account.

The PSBank Kiddie Savers Account is a savings account for children from 0-12 years old

The PSBank Teen Savers Account is for teens 13-18 years old.

Neither of these two childrens accounts require a maintaining balance, and the accounts earn interest regardless of the balance.


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