When is the Best Time to Visit the Philippines?

The Philippines basically has three seasons: Hot, Rainy and Cold.
How they define Cold, to someone from the UK, is a little puzzling though 😉
Cold Season: December to February
Hot Season: March to May
Rainy Season: June to November

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The Seasons in The Philippines

The Philippines basically has three seasons: Hot, Rainy and Cold.

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How they define Cold, to someone from the UK, is a little puzzling though 😉

  • Cold Season: December to February
  • Hot Season: March to May
  • Rainy Season: June to November

However, the above is not always correct, and can even vary by location in the Philippines.

For example: on the Eastern side, near Samar etc., it is normally the rain season from December to March.

The state weather bureau, PAGASA, announced on June 23 2015, that the rainy season had begun and that it may continue until September. Usually, the rainy season in the Philippines begins in late May. (Rainy season is declared with at least 5 days of rain generating a total amount of 25 millimeters (mm) of rainfall. At least 3 days must be consecutive rain days with 1 millimeter (mm) of rainfall)

Average approx monthly rainfall in the Philippines:

July : 260-275mm
August : 260-275mm
September : 260-275mm
October : 260-275mm

June : 245mm
November : 245mm

May : 170-180mm
December : 170-180mm

January : 135mm

February : 80-90mm
March : 80-90mm
April : 80-90mm

Holiday Seasons for Hotels etc., in the Philippines :

High Season (5 months: Dec–Apr)
Shoulder Season (2 months: May & Nov)
Low Season (4 months: Jun–Sep)

Not sure where October went from the above list 😉

Typhoon Season in the Philippines

The typhoon season is normally July to October

Climate of the Philippines at PAGASA


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