Registration for Visitors to Philippines after 59 days

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Special Security Registration for Visitors to Philippines

In October 2014 the Immigration department of the Philippines Government created a new policy with the Alien Registration Project (ARP), and the need for a Special Security Registration Number (SSRN).

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This very simple means that almost anyone staying over 59 days needs to register with Photo and Fingerprints and about 700 pesos, at almost any Immigration Office in the country.  A personal appearance is required.  You must be dressed in Trousers and Shoes at most offices.  It is NOT possible for a Travel Agent or Visa assistance agent to do this for you,

If you also need an ACR card, then this will be a further 500 pesos + US$50 or US$20 for an ACR-I card renewal.

It also appears that you must also have a mailing address for the sending of the SSRN certificate.

Those visitors who stay over 59 days will now need both the ACR-I card (Photo only) and the SSRN (Photo and Fingerprints).

One report stated: “Foreign nationals who have valid alien registration cards or I-Cards are exempted from the program.  However, the official site states: “Those valid ACR-I-Cards (Except for Tourist ACR-I cards) are exempted from the program.


ARP announcement2

Alien Registration Project  2015

The ARP shall be held from 01 October 2014 until 30 September 2015. Aliens may apply at any authorized BI Regional Office

1. Bring a duly filled-out ARP form (form and additional information is available at and any valid identification (e.g. passport, driver’s license).

Registered aliens under this program may be primary beneficiaries of future social integration/legalization programs of the government.


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