Rems Virgin Island Hotel, White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Rems Virgin Island Hotel is located in White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Rems Virgin Island Hotel is an ideally located at White Beach, Puerto Galera, close to all the major tourist attractions. Our location in White Beach makes the Rem’s Hotel an ideal place to stay to explore White Beach, Puerto Galera and the entire island of Mindoro. It is also only about 20 minutes from Sabang, and many of the popular diving locations.

Rems Virgin Island Hotel

Rems Virgin Island Hotel
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Rems Virgin Island Hotel

Property details:

For both business and pleasure the Rem’s Hotel offers great value for money to fit into your budget whilst still offering outstanding accommodation and facilities.
The hotel was founded in 2007 and is still independently owned and managed by members of the family.
It is situated along the road, away from noise of night like but still accessible.
Today the building has a delightful blend of traditional features and modern facilities.
The service and the setting sets it apart from the chain hotels.
The Hotel is independently inspected annually by the Toursin Office of Puerto Galera.
This is your guarantee of quality.


More Hotels in White Beach:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Rems Virgin Island Hotel
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Rems Virgin Island Hotel, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0927 363 4001

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